Examples from my current position as Communications officer at Lund University School of Economics and Management (LUSEM). Mainly in English, although some are in Swedish.

Evaluation of news articles on LUSEM’s different websites (PDF, internal work material)
Promoting the webinar series Morning talks:
David Polfeldt visiting our webinar
Circular business – another webinar promotion
The human side of tech: work-life balance and digitalisation.(IRL & online)
The CEO of Swedbank: Eight things I learned about managing financial companies by studying in Lund
👑👑👑 We join the ranks of top business schools awarded with a Triple Crown!
Taking a year off to fulfill my dreams
Morning talks – I selected and edited the video intro (vinjett) and managed everything from booking guests, choosing and planning the themes, marketing (copy, newsletter, social media, graphics etc). I also moderated five of the talks during the live broadcast on Youtube.
Circular business – trendy buzzword or consumption of the future?
Evaluation of the project Morning talks (PDF, internal documents):
Workshop for young researchers (content, lecture, editing and publishing online)
Lecture on Youtube (based on an IRL workshop):
Social media and news evaluation at LUSEM (PDF, internal work material)
Economics and Management Day in Lund (Ekonomidagen i Lund)
Responsible for all marketing, copy and press-related work 2019, 2020 and 2021.
Responsible for all copy 2022.
The digital programme and content 2021
Older projects
Evaluations from my previous position as web editor, working with marketing and student recruitment, at Lund University.
Facebook ads, evaluation of some student recruitment ads 2017
Digital open house 2015 (digitalt öppet hus 2015)
Articles, press releases and event copy
New findings on noted research that fails to replicate
The new craft – an alternative form of organising work?
Event: Craft – Organising against the mainstream
On work-life balance in IT companies and the future of the hybrid workplace
Event: The human side of technology
The resource curse in new light: research findings on fiscal policy in Andean and Nordic countries
Forskare erbjöd betalning för vaccinering – då vaccinerade sig fler svenskar
My own two Instagram accounts
Jobba på café – Mitt relativt nystartade instagramkonto med fokus på vilka Malmöfik som lämpar sig att sitta och jobba på. Har på kort tid fått nästan 500 följare och mycket interaktioner. Kul och lärorikt! Jag siktar på tusen följare innan året är slut!
Mitt privata instagramkonto @lolloise. Fokus på resor, katter, skrivande och läsande.